
Grognards wargaming info...

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank SPCamo website

Russian and Soviet Medals.

RKKA, another site about the Red Army

Russian Military Zone, American Mirror

Kursk Page, a comprehensive center for information on Kursk

This is a Russian language site also named RKKA. Nice photos and lots of information; recommend Russifying your browser before proceeding. English language site on the Soviet Army. Has other adjuncts such as a Red Army reenactment organization.

Orders of Battle: An awesome list of orders of battle from many countries of the world. Requires registration, but well worth it

Soviet Union Fact Book. Also home of the "Red Steel" RKKA site Some political and geographical information. Check out the section on units in the RKKA. Very well researched.

A source for Russifying your browser. It is totally painless and if you know even a tiny bit of Russian, Russifying your browser would be worth it.

The real Red Star, the official publication of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense.

A great site about the RKKA with an excellent and large collection of photographs, drawings and posters from that terrible era.

The Strategy Page. One of its features is "Team Trackless": An effort by Jim Dunnigan of "Panzer Blitz" fame to use commercial wargames to test new concepts.

The This is the Steel Panthers section.

From Greenhill Military Books, a chart showing RKKA loses in the Great Patriotic War.

The Battle for Leningrad, a Russian/English site about the longest seige in WWII.

International Wargame Club. This is a central node for several wargame clubs from Napoleonic to Modern wargaming. The Beach Head mess for the Frontline Wargame Club is located here.

Society of 20th Century Wargaming This is a website of a UK based organization.